December 16, 2021

Ethan Nesser
2 min readDec 17, 2021

Today my feed was headed by a story whose very existence, both its reality as well as its apparent worthiness as a story, further validated my unfortunate realization that humans today… have truly run out of shit to do. This story my dear readers that required my perhaps unnecessarily wordy introduction is this…

Where should I start, at the fucking insanity of the very existence of “Entertainment News.” We have way too much time in our lives, I think we desperately need an alien invasion so we have some shit to give us a motivation to grow because we are fucking stalled as a species folks. Now can we address the next obvious piece of insanity here; who the fuck is buying these?! This is a true sign of a civilization in decline, what are we doing people? I don’t fault her, we live in a capitalist society, she saw an opportunity for profit and took it. If I could sell my farts in a jar I would, why not? The fault lies in far too many places to list. The guilty party’s are in the people who give this attention, the media* pimps who whore this insanity to an empty-headed public with nothing left to fill their time with.

Can we for a moment consider that, just maybe, western liberty has gotten a bit out of hand. Perhaps this is what “too much freedom” looks like, I know the very words you read, they seem blasphemous, to suggest maybe its not the best way. Sure we like it, we’re used to it, we’re used to the way of life, the security and safety, the routines, the rituals of America that define our way of life. Before you begin the inevitable raid of declarations of anti-american sentiment that will follow, can we just for a moment, consider the possibility that there is something very wrong with this country.

